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APMP Canada - Maple Leaf Chapter - How to Think Like the Solicitation Issuer

APMP Canada - Maple Leaf Chapter - How to Think Like the Solicitation Issuer on Wednesday, 23 Jun, 2021 12:00 pm | 1 hour | (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).


A firm understanding of the RFP, specifically the PWS, SOW, or SOO, is essential to crafting a compliant, winning proposal. The issuer of a solicitation really wants to see responses that add value while mirroring the nuances, language, terminology, and so forth in their RFP documents. To do this, you need to "get into" the issuer's head, and structured RFP analysis is a proven technique to do so.

Presenter's Bio:

Janet Arrowood has been a writer, technical editor, and writing trainer for over 35 years. Ms. Arrowood is a mathematician by degree, an engineer by training, and a writer by profession. She specializes in training professionals, engineers, and contract specialists in “how to write in plain English.”

Ms. Arrowood has been a presenter for NIGP’s 2020 and 2021 Learning Labs and the 2020 Virtual Conference. She has also presented on procurement and professional development at NCMA in 2018 and 2019. Ms. Arrowood has developed and presented plain/practical language, proposal/solicitation writing training, and presentation skills training programs for numerous government agencies, and international organizations.

Ms. Arrowood writes proposals for a number of local and nationwide companies of varying sizes. She edits proposals and trains proposal and grant writers for clients around the world.

Janet Arrowood is the author of the Rowman & Littlefield book, Plain Language, Please: How to Write for Results. She is an international author, speaker, and trainer. Her small business-focused columns appear twice a month in the Grand Junction Business Times.

In addition to her training, editing, and writing expertise, Janet brings both engineering and military backgrounds to her work. She served as an Army Signal Corps Officer, a member of the technical staff at MITRE, and a staff engineer at Martin Marietta and NATO. She holds a degree
in Mathematics from Vanderbilt University.

Janet’s “plain language” programs are consistently rated among the highest in any organization where she facilitates training.

Presentation materials:


DHA RFP Requirements

Sample Requirements Table 

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APMP Canada - Maple Leaf Chapter - Adobe InDesign for Proposal Professionals

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